Day two in Yellowstone was slated to be our Canyon/Fishing Bridge day. It was supposed to be cold an snowy all day, and the predictions held true. Brrr. We started out at the brink of the falls and it was cold but not too miserable. By the time we got to our first viewpoint, the sleet and snow started pretty good. Because we couldn't see the falls from the closest viewpoint, we skipped the most popular viewpoint.
After the falls, we went on down to fishing bridge. Eric found a stuffed buffalo at the gift shop there that he fell in love with. We told him he could have it if he said buffalo, or even just buff. He focused really hard and blurted out "buff". And he has not said buffalo once since. Eric loved the fishing bridge museum. He loves birds and they have a full room of stuffed birds. He ran from exhibit to exhibit yelling "buuuddd, buuudd".
At fishing bridge, we heard there was a momma grizzly and her cub just around the lake towards the East entrance, so we went to go see. Sure enough, she was there.
On our way through Hayden valley, we found this coyote pouncing on mice.
Our last stop of the day was back at Canyon. Eric loved going through that museum. He especially loved this big stuffed buffalo. It was kind've funny, as we were standing in front of the buffalo trying to get Eric to say buff again, an Asian tourist came up and said, "No, Moose". I thought he was just teasing but then I heard him talking to his friend later. While I couldn't understand what he was saying, I could tell he was telling his friend that we were calling that a buffalo and he was saying it was a moose because he was cooing buffalo (like I was to Eric) and saying "no moose". His friend looked at him puzzled and said what I can only assume to be "no, it's called a buffalo" (all I caught was the word buffalo).
As we were leaving Canyon, I was digging in the back of the car for treats while Brian was buckling Eric in. I asked Brian if he wanted some cheese. Eric yelled back "want cheese, want cheese." He wanted to make sure I knew he wanted some cheese.
Good job of having a great time in spite of lousy weather. Loved the photos of the kids with the museum animals. So funny that Eric was playing peek-a-boo with them! In spite of a little blur, they are magical photos.
How cute he is. Love when they can communicate back with u. Cold but fun trip
Can not believe the snow! And that blurry photo. Priceless!
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