Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dinner up the canyon

Last weekend we met Brian's family up the canyon for dinner.  Eric wasn't so sure how he felt about the great outdoors at first, but after some cuddle time with his cousin he was good to go.

We had a pleasant evening visiting with family and enjoying the beautiful mountains.

Hey, who's that?

Can I poke him?

Oops, mommy says no touching the baby.

We made some smores for dessert, which Eric really wanted but I wasn't so sure a fire roasted marshmallow was a good idea for a 7 month old.  But the rest of us really enjoyed them.  We tried a few new twists with rolos inside the marshmallow, peanut butter cups, and coconut pineapple flavored marshmallows.  Yum!!!

Cousins sure make the best friends.


Julie L said...

Sweet photos. Looks like a lot of fun for everyone!

Celeste said...

What a handsome little boy!! He's getting so big! That looked like a pretty fun trip.

Brad and Hailey said...

I love the pictures of him and E! So cute!

Joni said...

We had a great time too! Super pictures!